Second Life Update

Posted by julz on
Recently we started a Second Life initiative here at NMSU, currently referred to as NMSU Aggie Island. So you'll be seeing my SL updates. To see all SL updates that I post, there's a nice feature in new Blogger that allows you to label/tag your posts, so find my "blog topics" and click on "second life". My SL update for today is a two-part special: 1. My Pepperdine CadreX-Mate Cheryl is a rockin' SL specialist. I had the opportunity to attend her NACOL presentation, Social Networking and Second Life: Uses for E-learning. You'll want to check out ED Tech Island in Second Life, 3D Learn,,, SL Conferenc 2007, and I've also added an SL VodPod with some cool SL vids, I'm going to try and add them to this post. 2. Robert Scoble and James Au converse and present us with Second Life 101 videos. That's it for now. May your first and second lives by happy ones! :) ~julz


islandgirl4ever2 said...
11:47 PM

COOL! I love SL but I haven't been there but once since June! It is such a cool different reality world... I go to SL basically to see the graphics and to buy cool clothing... Wish I could find clothes that that here in RL!! Ciao, Leesa