NM TIE Podcasting Workshop

I'm helping Bethany today at the NM TIE conference with her podcasting workshop. We started by investigating iTunes and EPN - http://epnweb.org.

Right away, some folks found a couple of very cool things:
  • Tamara found Willow Web, an elementary podcast show at EPN and she said she listened to elementary students expressing their knowledge about the constitution in authentic way to an audience of their peers (and a global audience).
  • Jim noted that the second language podcasts, specifically the French ones, at EPN were just like taking a class.
  • Gail noted that in the general topics of EPN, there were 137 podcasts for English and 9 for math...
Then they came up with some great ideas for uses of podcasts!
  • Have students record and edit movies and broadcast via podcast - moviecasting!
  • Creating tech instructional podcast on how to do various tasks like email
  • Opportunities for training on district-wide systems
  • Have students do podcast presentations, thereby addressing the issues of time where you can't get everyone up in front of the class. An immediate win is that students don't often get the opportunity to hear themselves and self-critique until college.
  • Virtual campus/school tours
  • Audio quiz/audio answers
  • Library could do weekly/monthly podcast on new or featured books, bibliographic or library use
  • Enhancement to lessons
  • Students in the hospital never gets the full class experience, could get more of an experience with a vodcast
  • This workshop could have been podcast
  • Coaches created podcasts of the team plays and the team listened and learned on the bus
Some advantages were brought up:
  • Focused, what you want when you want, just-in-time learning, segmenting, smaller files
  • Addressing different learners
  • Reaching more students
  • Achieving hard to achieve educational goals
  • 21st Century Skills addressed
Next everyone is going to use the following to create podcasts right here, right now.
Lots of fun was had. Wish you'd been here ;)


laurieb said...
10:41 PM

Love the podcast people site. As we just got a zoon/ipod grant and will be using them w/ our students, will use this site for some info. Thanks...