Provable Solutions professional development specialists invite you to visit our eTeacher Academy. The eTeacher Academy is an online professional development academy offering educators high quality online courses developed and delivered by certified teachers.
We provide both self paced or facilitated courses and teachers receive certification units per course (where applicable). Our courses include some of the most sought after topics and are grounded in a "learn by doing" philosophy.
Accomplish your professional development goals in the comfort of you own classroom or home and at a reasonable price. Keep your teaching certificate current as you learn the topics that interest you the most. Multiple course discounts are provided and our educational consultants will work with individuals, schools and districts to create a professional development plan.
Available Courses
- Moodle Course Development
- Adobe Digital School Collection
- Integrating Adobe Acrobat
- Google Apps for Educators
- Turning Point Student Response System
- Interwrite Workspace and PRS
- Qomo Board, Pad and Document Camera
- Using and Integrating Easiteach
- Wii and Edugaming in the Classroom
- Podcasting for Educators
- Digital Storytelling
- Grant Writing for Technology
- Response to Intervention
- School Safety
Course Details: Each course includes tutorials, video and audio tutorials, integration and best practice ideas, and project based assignments.
Durations: 4 Weeks
Professional Learning Units: 1-2 units
Requirements for Units: 80% & 10 Cumulative Hours
Course format & Pricing: Self paced $99.00 Facilitated $149.00
Provable Solutions
Technology Integration Specialists
phone: 321-604-5308
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