What else do we want to know?

Posted by julz on
Q1. *What is urgent? Given all the various dimensions of differences between case studies, along which dimensions should we contrast cases? ---your research question will help make this choice. *Include study of very successful communities, such as informal CoI's. What makes them "hot"? What makes them more engaged? How can these hot items inform successful online communities? What are their goals? What are the goals of education? How do these goals compare or inform each other? *Include emergent data analysis as well as approaching them with specific questions. Q2. *What are the discontinuities in the continuum of scale from micro to cultural-historical? Where must one change theories and methods? *What does it mean to generalize - what forms of generalization are desirable? *What is the language to describe the phenomenon so we can meaningfully share results? *Operationalizing terms. Are we talking about the same phenomenon? *Coherent picture of how/when/why you mix methods and theories -perceptions about methods, is the conflict amongst the methods or the social group? *Being able to contrast and compare -need a lot more conversations like this! (Bridging disciplines/international/etc.) Q3. *Need a common language to describe the phenomena so we can meaningfully share results --"everything is vague to a degree; you don not realize it until you try to make it precise." --theory co-evolves with language *Not a "coherent theory," but coordinated collection of theories applied at different scales *Would like to see theories that can address significant problems in this world *